Talha Olobi


Race: Miqo'te (Keepers of the Moon)

AGE: 19

Nameday: 32nd Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon

HOMELAND: Ilsabard

Family: Fergus (Betrothed); Mashi (mother); Rysha'to (father, deceased); Sosuh (sister); Basah (sister); Duhsa (sister); Basah'a (nephew); Lashia (niece); Sennha (Mother-by-Bonding); Fergus the Elder (Father-by-Bonding); Primrose (Cousin-by-Bonding)

Address: Lily Hills, Apt 17, Ward 23


Martial ArtsAirships
Fergus AlvaneBullies


OptimisticOverly Trusting
AmbitiousHopelessly idealistic
HonestCan be impulsive
FriendlySlightly naïve
CompassionateNeglects her needs

Voice Claim


Born the fourth daughter of Mashi Olobi and Rysha'to Mhagga, from an early age, Talha distinguished herself from her sisters with an excitable disposition and fierce passion for following her heart. This, as well as her being the youngest, often left her perceived as the immature little sister, a perception Talha was eager to prove wrong - both to others and herself.

Talha hitched a ride on a chocobo wagon and traveled to Ul'dah, where she sought out the Pugilists' Guild, and with it, she took her first steps into the wider world. Though she found herself homesick and on her own for the first time, nothing would deter her from following her dreams.

It was not long after this that Talha found herself working as security for a teahouse, where she would meet Primrose, a former bard with experience in the clandestine, who would quickly become her closest and dearest friend, a relationship Talha considered indistinguishable from the one she held with her sisters. Soon after, she encountered her beloved, Fergus Alvane, a kind-hearted young man and former Resistance fighter from Ala Mhigo, and the two quickly fell in love.

Over the course of her first year as an adventurer, Talha grew and changed in ways she had never expected, becoming a stronger person and a true monk along the way. Time spent in the Far East saw her training under the tutelage of a former Fist of Rhalgr, who helped Talha learn to master her chakra. Soon after returning home, she enrolled at Lunar Rose Academy, an school for budding adventures, where life was rarely quiet.

Adventuring was not without its consequences, however. Loss and pain accompanied the lifestyle just as often as excitement, challenging every adventurer to lose touch with who they once were before setting out, but Talha refused. After a journey of enlightenment showed her the path her heart was meant to take, Talha vowed to remain true to who she was and never let the pain of loss numb her.



By Vincent Vernacatola

By Aris Ignis

By PastelxBoy

By Aye Buns

By Elizabeth O'Rear

By RottinTurnips


  • Though she is far from a master, Talha is a trained monk and has mastered several chakra. She is often quite thrilled to meet another martial artist and will happily spar with them.

  • Talha has significant knowledge regarding chocobos, concernin their care and raising them, and completely loves them. She will happily discuss them with anyone or help out with chocobo-related issues.

  • Has worked multiple jobs in security or bodyguarding and is usually happy to accept an offer to do so. She usually doesn't even consider charging money until someone else brings it up.

  • She almost always carries sweets and pastries with her, which she happily shares with anyone in her vicinity.

  • Will always help those in need, whether she knows them well or not, and can generally be counted on to aid those who need it, without hesitation.


Fergus Alvane - Talha's beloved and betrothed, the two have been in a relationship for some time now. Over the past year, as they have each grown and matured individually, so has their bond. What began as two young miqo'te with butterflies eventually culminated in an engagement. An initial reluctance to let the other endanger themselves instead became a promise, to face whatever struggles the world should throw at them together. He is her Fergus and she is his Talha, come what may.

Primrose Alvane - Talha's best (and first) friend, and to her, as good as a sister. The two met only a few weeks after Talha's arrival in Eorzea and quickly bonded. While they came from very different backgrounds, both will readily admit that nobody is more dear to them than the other and there is little, if anything, that they would not do for each other. Although Talha knows Primrose's turbulent past may prevent her friend from ever truly trusting her, Talha has resolved to remain by herself, "Until we're old ladies in rocking chairs" - a promise she intends to keep.

Olobi Family - Talha spent most of her life with little company besides her own family - her mother, Mashi, and her sisters, Sosuh, Basah, and Duhsa, while her father spent a great deal of time traveling. As is the case with her sisters, Talha has a somewhat strained relationship with her mother, owing to Mashi's stern demeanor and emotional distance, though she has recently learned to accept her mother for the woman she is, flaws and all, while also insisting that Mashi is, despite all things, a devoted and loving parent. Though Talha and her sisters squabble quite frequently, all four Olobi girls readily admit their affection for each other in the same breath. The more recent death of Talha's father, Rysha'to, hit each of the Olobi woman particularly hard and it is a loss they continue to grapple with.

Alvane Family - Her fiance and best friend's family, only recently brought together by extenuating circumstances. Talha quickly formed a strong connection with her future mother-in-law and Fergus's mother, Sennha, who is a monk herself, while his father, Fergus the Elder, holds Talha in equally high esteem. Kieran Alvane, Primrose's father, has had less interaction with Talha, though she was happy to assist in his rescue from a Garlean laboratory aboard an airship. Tragically, Wren Alvane was lost recently, sacrificing her life to save the Olobi family as her final act. Although she and Talha were quite different, there was respect and trust in the other, each for her own reasons.

Lunar Rose Academy - In her time since coming to the adventuring school known as Lunar Rose Academy, Talha has struck up many lasting friendships, with various students and staff. Parker Mystglow, a conspiracy theorist with a sweet tooth to rival Talha's own, quickly dubbed Talha her "sweet sister", while Talha herself loves Parker's peculiarities and would not change them for all of the sweets in the world. Lillianna Meadows, an accomplished medic and conjurer, recently began mentoring Talha in the art of healing, while the two have also made a point to spend time together off school campus, building a bond independent of their roles on the academy medical staff and supporting each other through hardship.

Sol, who enrolled at the academy not long before Talha, has trusted her in matters concerning his chocobo hatchling, Luna, while Lyanna, a more recent enrollee at the academy, quickly became friends with Talha and was accompanied by both of them to Dravania, in an effort to acquire her own chocobo hatchling. The Seeker sisters, Ash Shino and Ryoko Izuhara, each came to meet and form their own friendship with Talha, while also supporting and aiding her through difficult times. Aurum Windstorm, business mogul and budding adventurer, has often provided Talha with spa services and a friendly ear, while Talha has reciprocated by helping Aurum learn to become a confident adventurer in her own right. The academy's custodian, Forgiven Gluttony, has, on at least one occasion, embarked on an adventurer with Talha, the subject matter of which neither can adequately explain to this day.

Meanwhile, the Hellsguard and resident Practical Adventuring instructor, Louder Steel, has previously made sure to check in on Talha's wellbeing when she seems particularly troubled. More recently, Talha began speaking with Kage and Aldrelithia, two counselors at the academy, who have each helped her to work through the emotional turmoil one endures pursuing the lifestyle of an adventurer.

Baishang Clan - Hailing from the Far East, the Baishang clan are recognized by those who know them for their undying loyalty, matched only by their ferocity. The head of the clan, Tianmao Baishang - or simply Mao - quickly became friends with Talha, each holding the other in very high regard, while both women find themselves deeply flattered by their opinion of each other, with each viewing the other not unlike a sister. Mao's adoptive daughter, Margo, was another face around the school to quickly befriend Talha, while the unusual Coda once found herself getting patched up by Talha in the academy clinic. Finally, Jacen, Mao's twin brother and a career soldier, recently hired Talha to be the personal bodyguard of his beloved and bubbly wife, Zhu-Li.